Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So close...but so far away

I've all but given up on the idea of pursuing all that is now required to legally sell my hand knit dresses. It's a crying shame, but I haven't much time these days to knit, let alone figure out how to accomplish all the bureaucratic &#!* that I would need to do to fulfill the new CPSIA laws. I've tried to keep up, but it's too overwhelming.

I just want to knit and sew dresses and not worry about breaking some law.

This morning I came across the address for the's practically in my back yard!

It's not lost on me that I still have about six completed dresses sitting in my sewing room, which I'm too afraid to list on Etsy...because they haven't been lead tested, nor do they have tracking labels.

I've always labeled my dresses with a sew on, cotton tag. That label includes my name, and my website address. Also included is a hand written label that describes the fabric/ fiber content, care instructions, my e-mail, and my name (again), and that the article is entirely hand made.

I try to think of everything. I even include a disclosure on my listings that I have a dog...just in case they're allergic to dogs.

So, the CPSC is just 15 miles away...and it's tempting to just go and show off my dresses to these folks...what else can I do with them? I'm wondering if I should send them the remaining dresses...I don't know it would do any good...but it's as if nobody sees what they've done to the American work at home mom who loves to make children's clothes (diapers, toys, and so many things).

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission,an independent federal regulatory agency, located at 4330 East WestHighway, Bethesda, MD 20814 Toll-free hotline: (800) 638-2772


melody said...

I hope you don't have to give it up! I found Etsy initially through your shop...And now I have one of my own!

Check out this link:

You'll see this: CPSC will "not impose penalties against anyone for making....or selling...
dyed or undyed textiles and non-metallic thread and trim used in children's apparel and other fabric products, such as baby blankets"

That sounds like good news for you! The labels are another complicated story:P...But it sounds like you've done everything you can to be "good":)

Dirtdartwife said...

what sizes do you have left? I'm sure I can find a few good homes to people that won't care if you've had them tested or not and jumped through the 7 levels of hell.

Angoraknitter said...

The dresses in this post are some of the ones I have.