Thursday, April 24, 2008

From our Closet Sale

Last year I sold some of our dresses on my etsy shop. I received positive feedback for those sales, so I decided to try this sale again this year. I'll be listing one at a time, because when I get down to it. Each listing is like a paid an airing of a commercial on Etsy.
Each listing sparks a new round of hits onto my Etsy shop home page. So I theorize that I need to ration out the listings, spread them over time, and place them at optimum times. If I were a higher volume seller, this probably wouldn't be anything I'd need to worry about, but I'm not, so I try to over think it.

Today I'm starting with the Orange topped Felicity v-neck, short sleeve, size 2T. I made this late last summer, and we've loved it. But it's too short for my youngest girl, so it's time to find it a new home.


Michelle said...

Alright, girlfriend, you're selling beautiful size 2T dresses for under $10? How many of these will you be listing? What TIME do you plan to list them, so I can set my alarm and be the first to check them out?

Angoraknitter said...

I have two more I'm considering. One is a blue paisley...but it has some I'm not sure I want to list that one.

The second is a long sleeve red top with floral skirt...but it's nearly out of season. And that's all I've got sitting here in the maybe pile right now.

Sarah said...

I wanted to respond to your comment on my blog--I've never noticed any scent at all on the dresses. They all come ready-to-wear! A great change.

BTW, I showed this dress to Peter and he really liked it a lot. High praise indeed from someone who usually dislikes "girly" clothes! :) Thanks for such a beautiful dress. I'll send pictures as soon as it warms up enough for short sleeved dresses. Minnesota, you know.